Early in his career Bruzonsky began as Contributing Editor and then became Associate Editor of the prestigious Worldview Magazine published monthly by the Carnegie Endowment for International Affairs in New York City from 1975 to 1985. His exclusive articles, interviews and commentaries were often featured on the front-page.

Film Review: Children of Rage
Mark A. Bruzonsky - 1/76

Dependent Israel: The Two Options
Mark Bruzonsky and Israel Singer - 4/76

U.S.-Israeli Policies: Reading the Signs for '77
Mark A. Bruzonsky - 9/76

Excursus: What to do about the Middle East
Mark A. Bruzonsky - 11/76

Excursus: Power Peddlers
Mark Bruzonsky - 5/77

Let Us Talk Face to Face
Mark Bruzonsky interviews Israel's Ambassador Simcha Dinitz - 7/77
The first joint interview with the Ambassadors of Israel and Egypt. Pictures of the two ambassadors talking to each other appeared on the Worldview cover with permission even though they insisted on being interviewed separately.

We Want the Israelis to Understand Us
Mark Bruzonsky interviews Egypt's Ambassador Ashraf Ghorbal - 7/77

Israel's No. 1 Dove
Mark Bruzonsky Interviews Arie Eliav - 1/78

A Voice of the Egyptian Left
Mark Bruzonsky and Judith Kipper Interview Mohamed Sid-Ahmed - 4/78

Around Washington
Mark Bruzonsky - 5/78

Mideast Peace: The Best of Chances
Mark Bruzonsky Speaks With Joseph Sisco - 6/78

The U.S. and Israel: In the Eye of the Storm
Mark A. Bruzonsky - 7/78

Excursus: Assessing Camp David
Mark A. Bruzonsky - 11/78

Izzy and the Other Zionism
Mark Bruzonsky - 3/79

Palestinian Prospects Now: Edward W. Said Speaks With Mark Bruzonsky
Mark Bruzonsky - 5/79

"The Palestinians Will Have Their Independence!"-- An Interview With Butros Ghali, Egypt's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs
Mark A. Bruzonsky - 7/79

Sadat's Tragic Mistake--An Interview With Ismail Fahmy, Egypt's Former Foreign Minister
Mark A. Bruzonsky - 9/79

Ahead to '81: A Greater U.S.-Israel Storm
Mark A. Bruzonsky - 12/79

Excursus: After Sadat
Mark A. Bruzonsky - 12/81

Excursus: Fez, The U.S., And Israel
Mark A. Bruzonsky - 12/82

Excursus: The Paris Declaration
Mark A. Bruzonsky - 6/83

Excursus: Fool's Paradise in the Mideast
Mark A. Bruzonsky - 11/83

Excursus: Israel: A Shameful Silence
Mark A. Bruzonsky - 9/84

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